The Phylactery

We finally got around to finishing my Phylactery for myself, the problem I had not anticipated was the melting of my heart in to the object.

It hurt!

It hurt a lot!

I ended up as a pile of giant bones upon the ritual circle, it took me what felt like forever to reform. At least now if I get destroyed I can come back, and my Phylactery is almost indescrutable. I am safe now for it will be kept in the safest place ever, inside the demon lair under the protection of mother.

The journey

I decided my time will be best spent travelling, I took my leave of Mystara to go aboard as it were. My first place was to stop where I had been hatched, nothing remained of that nest site and I assumed my parents had moved on. Dust was all there was, dust something that I should be.

I am not going to go in to the details of my travels and where they took me, for it is far too long for me to write in to this journal. However I will mention that I did find a run down cottage in some woods, there within were tomes of necromancy. Tomes that I read while wittling my hours away over each page, the thing reeked of death but so did I. As I read it came to my attention I was not normal as I had often thought, liches willingly make themselves. Yet they can be made against their will or unwittenly made*, there was so many rituals ones to control the dead, ones to raise the dead, ones to make more liches. I studied.

The traitor and the innocent

Today I confronted Ordin for his betrayal in helping the demon dragon and hurting my mother, he made me feel too many emotions they drowned me and I could not shake them at all. My attack upon him faltered but I still see him as a traitor to our kind, he wants to be alive and the fae are making that happen. He says he still wants to be friends, I can make no promises.

In accordence to Mill's directions I found myself an innocent to kill with the dagger, the male did not die as easily I had hoped. While he still lived I cut him open and ate half of his insides via my head in his open cavity, when he still did not die I broke his leg, tore it off and ate that. The man had a persistance compared to that of a limpet, often he screamed to then call out to Mill for assistance.

Somehow I think I have broken my sister, she has gone in to a deep coma like state. Mother was not upset that I killed a man for my phylactery, she was upset over the fact I had mentally scarred my sister.

Damn I love the taste of living flesh so much better than the cooked crap at the Oak, even better than the flesh of the mage who is killable every day. On another note mother gave me an obisidian eggshell my little brother hatched from, this is going to be my phylactery instead of the pottery jar I found.

The Shaman

It is not often you see shamans on this island but I happened to have found one, and most surprising of all it was an orc. He motioned for me to come nearer to him when I had landed out of curiousity, I did as bidden only because I was a curious thing and he had turned around before I could shove him off the cliff. He claimed that the spirits told him he would recieve a visitor today, but had no idea who or what they would be.

I was offered to do a vision quest in order to find out what answers I seek, all that I got was to trust in Tiamet and she will show me the way. To find balance between what I was and what I am now, least it should tear me apart from the inside out. My path does not matter right now as twisted as it may be, whether it ends in utter darkness or not is not what I should be focused on. I need to find who I am, I also had no clue that the Dragon Queen was that watchful of those who have fallen from grace.

Before I had a chance to ask for further details, the shaman vanished in a cloud of dragon shaped smoke. The only thing I did recall about the orc is, he's from a tribe of dragon speakers...

The payback

What a wonderful day! I got to hurt mother I really did, she had crystals embedded in to her back; and she was unable to get them out. I "helped"!!!! Pulling those things from her were satisfying in a most gratifying way, I never thought I would be able to do something and hurt her at the same time.

The fates must think she deserved payback for all she had done to me, however despite this small joy I was given I do have gratitude for mother. After all she did bring me back and show me the way, I can not hate her as much as I first did.

Mill got mad at me though for hurting mother, she got that serious expression she gets when her age takes over her child like mind.

The attack

Over several hours it came to the attention of those sensitive to it, that something powerful was on its way to Mystara. We had no idea what or who it was but the tension in the air, along with this unholy feeling was enough to alert us. Mill and myself began our search for the source of this, in the time I had gone off searching I ended up finding Ordin.

Ordin had been charmed by the fae saying they were going to make him alive once more, I have no idea what to make of this as I can not be alive again. I believe the fae are lieing to him in some fashion, til I know more I can not say how or why. Turns out I should not have worried about Ordin for he aided the living, when the source of the evil finally showed up he attacked it.

The beast was a most glorious demonic dragon I could not help but admire, therefore I did not aid either side but simply watched the chaos unfold all around me. Mother decided to help the dragon and that in turn got her attacked by Ordin, the want to be alive lich had now betrayed us all.

I grew weary as the battle dragged on and on, I retired to my crypt for the night. Upon morning I heard the beast had been slain.

The threat

I often wander about the realm of Mystara on my own, more often than not I get tugged towards my "little sister" Mill. Where ever Mill is I can feel her unholy aura as it is on some level the same as my own, on that same note though I can also feel mother and father's auras. As their essence is intermingled in to my own soul, like a mystical divening rod...

Upon finding Mill in the upper part of the human village, I saw she was damaged and badly in need of assistance. However before we could make our get away, Jaymes strode out of the jail house where upon he declared he was going to be looking for us. As it so happened since our mother had cursed the unborn child of Morwen, Jaymes informed in certain terms that unless our mother removed the curse; he would be sending every paladin in the realm after us.

We agreed to tell mother this threat of his before making our way back the crypt, to the crypt itself is in the cemetary near the human village. I have taken it as my home rather than the demon lair, I feel more at peace among the bones and coffins. Mill showed me how to fix bones in case I ever get damaged again, then I will not have to rely upon her assitance in the future. Course afterwards the child lich set her mind upon our predicament, worrying that if the bone I was binded to was destroyed that would be the end of me. At that point it was decided I needed to make a phylactery.

We have two weeks.

The dream

The night of the dream was a great success, the demons and myself had worked hard to gather what we needed. It took a bit more time than expected for me to get hold of the lunar stone, but the halfing Serenity at the docks has great staff that pulled through. Just in the nick of time. Verily I had recieved the stone with mere seconds to spare to get the lair, there I met with father who led me to the cell where the virgin I had caught was being kept. In honour I led her to the ruins to have her bound to the alter stone, all the demons were gathered around, the air was tense with anticipation.

After the ritual was performed, a couple of days later the dream began, everyone who would be effected would fall asleep. They would wake up in what they thought to be a dream which, in fact was our warped reality to aid us in tempting the people of Mystara to do what they always wished they had. We had also set up a circus near to the ruins for some of us to perform, since this was a "dream" world I allowed myself the freedom to shift form... In the most grosteque way possible, I devoured the flesh of my perfected "living" form. Course I freaked a lot of people, making some of the sick, but I had a great time.

Demons came and went during the twenty four hours, some of them bought more visitors to see the circus. One demon in particular thought he could try to claim ownership of me, he promptly got smashed across a good distance by my strong tail. He ended up with cracked ribs, it served him right. While I was a climbing frame for many people due to myself being skeletal, I did try to convince a naga to commit suicide since she obviously seemed crazy enough. Unfortunately she ended up with a stronger mind and will, than I actually thought she had or possessed.

All in all a good, fun time... For us at least!

The dance

The Tari of the elves had been crowned today as their leader officially, in celebration there was a party thrown in the elf tree house village. I did not want to mingle with the crowd as I do not fit in with the living, most of the those around were dragons who showed me nothing but disdain. Caydeon an elf host to the dragon Soyrith was there dancing with his mate, he confuses me because I know there is two seperate people in the one body. When he speaks with me it is the dragon who dominates the other, he saw me hiding on the outside of the dancers and came over to me.

I had no time to argue or throw some protests before he had pulled me in to his embrace, I find some comfort in his arms as a friend since he quells my soul to calmness. Often it seems to war with whatever demon is inside me, and I am glad for the peace he brings me. However I did not expect him to drag me in to a dance, his hands on my hips that I only felt by the pressure upon them. We talked of a few things that I can not remember now, but it was pleasant and he soon left me to go back to his mate.

After the first time I met the Tari had gotten severely jealous of him holding me, I can not understand why she would. I have not been able to understand most emotions since coming back, so their meaning is often lost upon me.

I think I like dancing though.

The rebirth

It is not every day one dies...

It is not every day one is bought back either...

Yet this is what happened to myself for I had died, and then I was dragged back in to being. The darkness of nothing was what I remembered most, with a sudden lighter shade of grey coming forth to grab a hold of me. It dragged me literally back in to the living world, at first I had formed as my true self with scales of blue and gold. Unfortunately I was not allowed that form for very long for it was stripped from me, leaving me with nothing but my own as I screamed in pain. I am not sure what exactly happened, I was forced in to a humanoid shape that caused me more pain.

When I managed to look around I was in some sort of lair, tables, chairs, bookcases, a warm fireplace all set up neatly about the large interior. I tried to speak to them in my own tongue I was forced to speak common, I was naked, hurting and completely confused as to where I was or who I was. At least I remembered my name... For now I will stand next to these two people who are demons, my self proclaimed parents for bringing me back in to dead yet alive state. I will always hate them...

And I have time on my side to make plans of revenge.