The journey

I decided my time will be best spent travelling, I took my leave of Mystara to go aboard as it were. My first place was to stop where I had been hatched, nothing remained of that nest site and I assumed my parents had moved on. Dust was all there was, dust something that I should be.

I am not going to go in to the details of my travels and where they took me, for it is far too long for me to write in to this journal. However I will mention that I did find a run down cottage in some woods, there within were tomes of necromancy. Tomes that I read while wittling my hours away over each page, the thing reeked of death but so did I. As I read it came to my attention I was not normal as I had often thought, liches willingly make themselves. Yet they can be made against their will or unwittenly made*, there was so many rituals ones to control the dead, ones to raise the dead, ones to make more liches. I studied.

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