The dream

The night of the dream was a great success, the demons and myself had worked hard to gather what we needed. It took a bit more time than expected for me to get hold of the lunar stone, but the halfing Serenity at the docks has great staff that pulled through. Just in the nick of time. Verily I had recieved the stone with mere seconds to spare to get the lair, there I met with father who led me to the cell where the virgin I had caught was being kept. In honour I led her to the ruins to have her bound to the alter stone, all the demons were gathered around, the air was tense with anticipation.

After the ritual was performed, a couple of days later the dream began, everyone who would be effected would fall asleep. They would wake up in what they thought to be a dream which, in fact was our warped reality to aid us in tempting the people of Mystara to do what they always wished they had. We had also set up a circus near to the ruins for some of us to perform, since this was a "dream" world I allowed myself the freedom to shift form... In the most grosteque way possible, I devoured the flesh of my perfected "living" form. Course I freaked a lot of people, making some of the sick, but I had a great time.

Demons came and went during the twenty four hours, some of them bought more visitors to see the circus. One demon in particular thought he could try to claim ownership of me, he promptly got smashed across a good distance by my strong tail. He ended up with cracked ribs, it served him right. While I was a climbing frame for many people due to myself being skeletal, I did try to convince a naga to commit suicide since she obviously seemed crazy enough. Unfortunately she ended up with a stronger mind and will, than I actually thought she had or possessed.

All in all a good, fun time... For us at least!

The dance

The Tari of the elves had been crowned today as their leader officially, in celebration there was a party thrown in the elf tree house village. I did not want to mingle with the crowd as I do not fit in with the living, most of the those around were dragons who showed me nothing but disdain. Caydeon an elf host to the dragon Soyrith was there dancing with his mate, he confuses me because I know there is two seperate people in the one body. When he speaks with me it is the dragon who dominates the other, he saw me hiding on the outside of the dancers and came over to me.

I had no time to argue or throw some protests before he had pulled me in to his embrace, I find some comfort in his arms as a friend since he quells my soul to calmness. Often it seems to war with whatever demon is inside me, and I am glad for the peace he brings me. However I did not expect him to drag me in to a dance, his hands on my hips that I only felt by the pressure upon them. We talked of a few things that I can not remember now, but it was pleasant and he soon left me to go back to his mate.

After the first time I met the Tari had gotten severely jealous of him holding me, I can not understand why she would. I have not been able to understand most emotions since coming back, so their meaning is often lost upon me.

I think I like dancing though.